Consider Invoice Factoring to Free up Funds

Many business owners put off the unruly task of tax preparation because they think they will have a large sum to pay. In some instances they  file extensions until the money is available. Factoring helps business owners get access to cash so they do not have to file an extension or gain interest on an outstanding balance. Factoring can free up funds so that an unpaid tax balance can be paid off to prevent liens from affecting future cash flow. Twenty years ago most business owners didn’t know about invoice factoring as a financing option.

factoring invoices

Today, most business owners recognize the value of invoice factoring for meeting payroll, making their bills, and now meeting their tax obligations. Tax time can be a stressful time of year for most businesses, but being able to pay off taxes in one quick transaction rather than delaying the inevitable.

Give Universal Funding a call today at 1-855-782-1493 or complete a rate form and a factoring specialist will get in touch with you to see how we can assist you with your cash flow gaps.

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