
How to Prevent Invoice Disputes Delaying Payment of AR Accounts

Improve Customer Service and Cash Flow Invoice disputes are a common reason for the late payment of accounts receivable (AR) invoices. Sometimes, one disputed sales invoice can delay payment of the entire account. So, having a procedure to deal with disputed AR invoices is essential to improve customer service and help with a business’s cash…


How to Collect Overdue Sales Invoices Without Losing Your Customer

Keeping the Balance Between Collections and Customer Relations If you want to maintain a healthy cash flow, you must keep on top of your accounts receivable, and that will inevitably mean sometimes chasing late payments. But collecting overdue accounts must be handled properly, because, on the one hand, you must be firm enough to ensure…


How to Get Started with Outsourcing

Follow These Steps to Implement an Outsourcing Strategy Outsourcing can help your company make better use of its resources. It can expand your company’s capacity without much increasing its costs. If you have never explored the idea of outsourcing, though, you may not know how to start implementing it in your company. This article outlines…

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9 Strategies to Help Your Business Recover After COVID-19

Jump-start Your Business Post Pandemic The COVID-19 pandemic has been devastating for small and large businesses alike. Even those companies that remained open during the pandemic saw dramatic falls in sales. And, of course, consumers have been badly affected by the crisis. Many people lost their jobs or were reduced to working fewer hours. The…


10 Questions to Ask Before Giving Credit to B2B Customers

Implement Robust Credit Controls When a new business-to-business (B2B) customer comes to you with a large first order, your immediate inclination may be to open a bottle of champagne. However, there are risks involved in all credit accounts that it would be foolish to ignore. The most obvious risk of providing credit is that the…


Five Signs Your In-House Accounting Department Is Holding Your Business Back

Should you outsource accounting roles? When you run a business in which your focus is on providing products or services to your customers, your bookkeeping and accounting efforts likely aren’t your core value proposition. Nevertheless, a well-run accounting operation is a vital part of a successful business. You need a strong accounting system in place…


Pro Tips for Improving Customer Loyalty

Bolster Profits by Focusing On Current Customers Your business can’t grow without continually acquiring new customers. However, it’s your recurring customers who are your company’s lifeblood. They not only drive most of your sales, they also provide free word of mouth advertising. Keeping their loyalty needs to be your company’s highest priority. If you want…

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Ten Tips to Get Your Invoices Paid Faster

What you Need to Include on a B2B Invoice Sales invoices may appear to be relatively straightforward documents. However, if you omit certain crucial pieces of information, it could cause payment delays. A sales invoice is not usually considered to be a marketing document. However, business to business (B2B) invoices will usually land on someone’s…

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10 Common Customer Excuses for Paying Late and How to Overcome Them

How to Keep Your Cool and Keep Your Customers Late paying customers are a constant problem for many businesses. When invoices are paid late it affects cash flow, and chasing the slow payers can waste a lot of time. It can also be frustrating to hear the same delaying tactics used again and again. Sometimes…


How to Manage and Control Your Cash Flow

  Controlling Cash Flow is Essential to Success Small businesses are often strapped for cash. A critical business imperative is to control cash flow and not just manage it. As any business matures, various factors affect cash flow, some being growing operating costs, direct product costs (cost of goods), staffing/labor, product and service pricing as…